10th October 2017 marks the 25th annual World Mental Health Day. This year it's all about mental health at work.

Each year we support this important awareness day, founded by World Federation for Mental Health to join people together across the world to campaign for change around mental health.

This year's theme couldn't come a moment too soon - mental health issues such as stress, depression and anxiety are the biggest cause of sickness absence in our society. Employers are increasingly recognising mental health as a vital part of a healthy, productive working environment.

So this World Mental Health Day, we’re encouraging organisations to take a look at their wellbeing strategy and take steps to improve the mental health of their workplace. To guide you in this process, we have put together a Workplace Wellbeing strategic toolkit which you can access below. We also want you to share the work you are doing within your organisation to mark World Mental Health Day and create a healthier workplace that's sustainable all year round.


World Mental Health Day banner



Workplace Wellbeing toolkit

Filled with tips, links and downloadable resources to help guide your business through creating a whole organisation approach to mental health. Click to download the PDF toolkit, then click on the links within to access the different elements and resources.

thumbnail of the workplace wellbeing toolkit

Support #WorldMentalHealthDay on social media
Social media images for you to download and share, showing statistics and quotes on mental health in different industries. To download, right click and select 'Save image as...'.

Mental Health in the Workplace: Legal Industry. Nearly 3/4 of junior lawyers think their firm can do more to support mental health in the workplace. 93% of junior lawyers experienced stress in the past month. Source: JLD resilience and wellbeing report 2017: The Law Society    Mental health in the workplace: PR industry. 59% of PR and comms employees have experienced mental ill health. Almost half believe the PR industry is 'not very accepting' of those with a mental health issue. Source: PRCA/PR Week survey 2017    Mental health in the workplace: financial services. Only 34% of employees in the sector feel able to discuss mental ill health with someone at work. (BitC Mental Health at Work Report 2017). Jobs in financial services are 44% more likely to lead to stress-related illnesses than the average UK job (HSEWE statistics)

Less than a quarter (24%) of line managers have received any mental health training. Business in the community Mental Health At Work Report 2017    Three out of five employees have experienced mental health issues in the past year because of work. Business in the Community mental health at work report 2017    "It is time to challenge the myth that having a mental health issue equates to poor performance" Louise Aston, Business in the Community Mental Health At Work Report 2017