How much does it cost to take an MHFA England course?

We have a range of different courses to suit your needs. The RRP starts at only £125 per person up to £325 and discounts are available occasionally.

Costs may vary depending on the course type, location and instructor. If you have any questions about the cost of attending a course, please contact the instructor for more information by clicking on a course below. Occasionally, some instructors may be able to access local funding to allow them to offer discounted places.

If you are an organisation looking to train eight people or more, get in touch with our workplace mental health experts to learn more and to discuss your requirements.

Costs vary depending on the location and instructor, but we value our courses as follows:

Two day courses: £300 per person

One day courses: £200 per person

Half day courses: £75 per person

If you have any questions about the cost of attending a course, please contact the instructor of the course you are interested in. Occasionally, some instructors may be able to access local funding to allow them to offer discounted places.

If you are an organisation looking to train eight people or more, get in touch with our workplace mental health experts to learn more and to discuss your requirements.