Responding to the Government’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy for England, published today, Simon Blake, our chief executive, said:

“We welcome the Government’s National Suicide Prevention Strategy. We are heartened to see a particular focus on groups that are at greatest risk, young people, those from the LGBTQ+ community and People of Colour.

Whilst anyone can experience suicide thoughts, not everyone is affected equally. For example, according to the Office for National Statistics people living in the most deprived 10% of areas in the UK are more than twice as likely to die from suicide than those living in the wealthiest 10% of areas. Data from Samaritans also shows that the risk of self-harm and suicide is higher among LGBTQ+ communities.

Everyone needs to be able to access the resources and services they need in a timely, personalised manner. If mental health and physical health are to be treated equally more funding is required to make the strategy a reality. The Chancellor has a golden opportunity, in the next budget, to ensure that the strategy delivers on what it promises.

Suicide is preventable through education and intervention. Workplaces, where most adults spend over a third of their time, have the potential to play a life-saving role, through awareness raising, education and ensuring appropriate support is available.

At MHFA England we want a society where everybody has the knowledge, skills and confidence to discuss suicide and intervene if they are worried about someone in work or in their community.

For more information of how MHFA England can help your organisation embed suicide prevention into your mental health and wellbeing strategy, visit: 

Suicide prevention in the workplace