Sajda Butt
Sajda Butt

Accreditation Status
  • National Trainer ()
  • Workplace Instructor ()
  • Instructor Member ()

Course Accreditation Status
Personal Details

Sajda is the Director of SB Training and Consultancy, where Sajda leads on offering consultancy to organisations looking at service design and delivery, setting up and facilitating focus groups and interviewing individuals and presenting back findings to stakeholders.
Sajda has jointly worked on service design for a South Asian Mental Health research Project funded by Clinical Commissioning Group. Sajda has proven herself as an expert communicator – able to tailor delivery to the audience-respond to feedback and maintain her focus on the purpose of the communication.
Sajda has over two decades of experience in the mental health sector ranging from advocacy, delivering well-being training and more recently business development through coaching and mentoring she set up her own independent consultancy in 2012.
Sajda develops and delivers bespoke training packages for voluntary and statutory organisations and has experience working with schools, community and local government agencies.
Sajda is a Mental Health First Aid instructor delivering all Adult and Youth Products and also holds a license to deliver Emotional First Aid.
In October 2018 Sajda became a National Trainer for MHFA England, and has been an associate since September 2017
One of Sajda’s many professional achievements is her work with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Pakistan.
Sajda enjoys reading and quality time outdoors

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