Libby Morley-Hassanali
Libby Morley-Hassanali

Accreditation Status
  • Instructor Member ()

Course Accreditation Status
Personal Details

<p>Libby is an Occupational Health Nurse Advisor and the owner of Mindshift Consultancy. She provides training in a variety of mental health-related courses and specialises in absence management and wellbeing in the workplace. The combination of being an associate trainer for Mental Health First Aid England and an Occupational Health Advisor places her in a unique position when delivering training in the workplace; she has a wide understanding of the roles of Human Resource and Health and Safety and Management.</p>

<p>Libby has Certificates in Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Transactional Analysis and Stress and is currently studying for a Masters in Workplace Health and Wellbeing at the University of Nottingham. She regularly attends study days to remain current and to expand her knowledge and is trained in suicide intervention skills plus self-harm and eating disorders. Libby has her own “lived experience” of anxiety, panic and depression and continues to support her son with Obsessive-Compulsive thinking and behaviour. With thirty years of interfacing with “Joe Public” Libby creates a relaxed, inclusive and particularly human experience during her training. Feel free to contact her with any questions by emailing</p>

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<p>Delegate comments</p>

<p>“Libby kept the pace and focus of the session whilst being sensitive to the needs and contributions of the group”</p>

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<p>“very professional but equally compassionate”</p>

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<p>“funny, brilliant, explained well, listened to questions”</p>

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<p>“Libby was brilliant and got a balance of relaxed but keeping on track"</p>

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