Accreditation Status
- Workplace Instructor ()
- Instructor Member ()
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Instructor Profile
Personal Details
"In a previous life", Colin Bailey dedicated the best part of 30 years to senior corporate leadership roles within retail, hospitality and entertainment - embodying a definite work-life imbalance. Colin has personally experienced how stress, anxiety and depression are intricately interwoven with our health - be it physical or mental. This was irrevocably reinforced when he lost his father - a respected medical General Practititioner - to suicide.
We can dissect the facts and the figures, but every statistic is a person - a valued member of someone's family. Prevention is better than cure, and early intervention is therefore vital - particularly when you consider that 50% of mental health problems are established by the age of 14, and 75% by the age of 24.*
Colin Bailey is the Amazon #1 best-selling author of "What DO You Think?" and the Founder and Chief Wellness Officer at Mental Wealth | Resilient Minds UK. A level 3 Qualified Mental Health First Aider, Colin is also certified in ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training).
Colin was honoured as Mental Health Professional of the Year (2020), and the winner of Excellence in Mental Health Coaching in Corporate LiveWire's 2019 Innovation and Excellence Awards and the Most Trusted in Mental Healthcare Services in The Global Business Insight Awards of 2019. Colin was also named Mental Health Coach of the Year in The London and South-East England Prestige Awards, 2025/26, and was inducted into The London and South-East England Prestige Awards’ Hall of Fame as a multi-award-winner. In 2024, Colin was invited to Toronto, Canada, to film the lead in an upcoming mental health feature-length documentary.
Colin was nominated for The World Happiness Awards in the category of Education and Happiness, and has also delivered Resilience and Happiness workshops at The 2021 and 2022 Gross Global Happiness Summits, hosted by the United Nations established University for Peace in Costa Rica. Colin delivered a presentation on stress reduction and resilience at The Premier Annual Summit on Psychiatry and Mental Health in Rome in November, 2022, and was confirmed to speak the Annual Conference on Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine in Paris in October, 2022. Colin was also invited to speak about Mental Health and Wellness at The World Health Forum - held in November, 2023, at The MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas.
Colin holds a diploma in Couples and Family Therapy, and is a multi award-winning Neurozone certified MasterCoach and Eating Psychology Coach, having qualified with merit through The Coaching Academy - the world's largest coach training organisation of its type - where he also certified as a Recovery Coach.
Colin is the University of Roehampton's Mental Health First Aid Trainer - currently the only role of its kind in the United Kingdom.
Furthermore, as an accredited consultant for the world-renowned Proctor Gallagher Institute, Colin is privileged to have been personally mentored by Bob Proctor - widely considered to be one of the world's greatest teachers on the topics of human potential, success, and growth.
Colin has eight times been honoured as "The UK's Independent Life Coach of the Year" in The ACQ5 Global Awards, (2018 -2025), and four times "The UK's Most Outstanding Life Coach" in The Corporate Excellence Awards, (2019 - 2022). Colin was also named in The World HRD Congress' "101 Most Fabulous Global Coaching Leaders" and a "Best Practice Operator" (for the UK) in The ACQ5 Country Awards, 2020. He was also shortlisted in The Silicon Review's 50 Leading Companies of the Year.
Colin has been published in Thrive Global, CV Magazine, One Tribe Magazine, and Corporate LiveWire Magazine, and in 2018, contributed towards Winspiration Day - as a selected global thought-leader and educator - sharing the global stage with Bob Proctor and Blaine Bartlett, among others...
Colin has attended Tony Robbins' flagship live event, "Unleash The Power Within", and - in September, 2017 - attended Brendon Burchard's High Performance Academy in San Diego, California - certifying as a High Performance Master. Colin is also a Neurozone certified coach - unlocking high performance, building resilience, and preventing burnout.
Colin is certified also in "The Science of Happiness" through Berkeley, the University of California, "The Science of Wellbeing" through Yale and "Buddhism Through Its Scriptures" through Harvard University. He holds a Level 3 certification in Education and Training, and is also certified in Whitbread's Group Training Delivery. He is an NLP Master Practitioner, a CBT Practitioner, and also holds Level 2 qualifications in "The Awareness of Mental Health Problems", "Understanding Working With People With Mental Health Needs", "Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health" and "Understanding Nutrition and Health".
*Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demler O, Jin R, Merikangas KR, Walters EE. (2005). Lifetime Prevalence and Age-of-Onset Distributions of DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Archives of General Psychiatry, 62 (6) pp. 593-602. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.62.6.593.
Work Experience
Colin Bailey studied Hotel Management at The Durban Institute of Technology - emerging with distinction - and has amassed almost 30 years' experience in senior management and training roles within the Hospitality, Entertainment and Retail sectors - culminating in the role of Master Trainer at Lillywhites, Piccadilly Circus.
To put it simply, Colin understands what "makes people tick" - both personally and professionally.
With experience in major corporations such as McDonald's, Holiday Inn, Sun International (where he had the honour of meeting - and preparing breakfast for - Nelson Mandela), Southern Sun, Whitbread, Tesco, ASDA WAL*MART, SportsDirect, VUE Entertainment, Debenhams and Lillywhites (to name but a few,) Colin also possesses extensive knowledge of the corporate arena.
Colin is the University of Roehampton's Mental Health First Aid Trainer - currently the only role of its kind - and has also delivered Mental Health First Aid Training on behalf of St John Ambulance - the nation's leading first aid charity - embodying the mission statement that first aid may just be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.
* Mental Health Professional of the Year - Corporate LiveWire Innovation and Excellence Awards, 2020
* Hall of Fame Inductee - Multi Award Winner - The London and South East England Prestige Awards
* Mental Health Coach of the Year - The London and South East England Prestige Awards, 2025/26
* Level 3 Qualification in Mental Health First Aid (Royal Society for Public Health) - 2023
* NLP Master Practitioner - The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology
* CBT Practitioner - The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology
* Diploma in Couples and Family Therapy (Distinction)
* Diploma in Recovery Coaching - The Coaching Academy
* Diploma in The Psychology of Eating (Distinction)
* Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - Advanced Level - Elmira Strange, MPhil (Psy), 2024
* Advanced Gestalt Therapy - Holbeck College, 2024
* Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence Facilitator Practitioner
* Bereavement Training - Cruse, 2024
* Cultural Adaptability - EW Group, 2023
* Trauma Informed Approach to Understanding Sexual Violence - The Survivors Trust, 2023
* Trauma Basics for Youth Workers - The Center for Adolescent Studies, 2020
* Stress to Strength - Managing High Performance - The Wellbeing Project, 2024
* Delivered Workshops at The 2021 and 2022 Gross Global Happiness Summits, hosted by The United Nations established University for Peace, Costa Rica.
* Speaker at the Premier Annual Summit on Psychiatry and Mental Health – Rome, November 2022.
* Confirmed to speak at the Annual Conference on Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine - Paris, October 2022
* Invited to speak at The World Health Forum - The MGM Grand Hotel (Las Vegas), November, 2023 and The Premier Annual Summit on Psychiatry and Mental Health (Miami), July 2024.
* ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) Certified
* Psychological First Aid (PFA): Supporting Children and Young People - Public Health England
* Suicide Awareness Training - Zero Suicide Alliance
* Gold level - Developing Trauma Informed Practice
* The Science of Happiness - University of California, Berkeley
* The Science of Wellbeing - Yale University
* Excellence in Mental Health Coaching - Corporate LiveWire Innovation and Excellence Awards, 2019
* Most Trusted in Mental Healthcare Services - The Global Business Insight Awards, 2019
* Nominated for The World Happiness Awards in the category of Education and Happiness
* Neurozone Certified Coach - 2019
* Personal Performance Coaching Diploma - The Coaching Academy (Merit)
* Certified High Performance Master - Brendon Burchard's High Performance Academy
* Buddhism Through Its Scriptures - Harvard University
* Eight Times UK Independent Life Coach of the Year - ACQ5 Global Awards, 2018 - 2025
* Four times The UK's Most Outstanding Life Coach - Corporate Excellence Awards, 2019 - 2022
* Level 3 Qualification in Education and Training - 2019
* Level 2 Qualification in "The Awareness of Mental Health Problems", 2019
* Level 2 Qualification in "Understanding Working With People With Mental Health Needs", 2021
* Level 2 Qualification in "Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health", 2022
* Level 2 Qualification in "Understanding Nutrition and Health", 2020
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